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I was reading a couple of different football blogs and they were talking about what is the best offensive scheme for high school football. I heard people talking about the power I formation, the double wing, the vier, and the wishbone.
I personally believe that the wing-T is the best offense for high school football. I think that if you have two equally talented teams and they are playing each other that the wing-T would win every time because the players have an advantage because they are angle blocking and it is a misdirection offense. The other offenses are dependent on their linemen manhandling the defensive line. If we in the wing-T can block someone at an angle and that person is less aware that they may be blocked that the battle can be won.
Here is where the battle lies. If a team is undersized and out skilled they will still have to fight to win the game. You need to have guards who are quick. a Tight end who can block, a quick running back, a pounding fullback, and a wing back who can run and catch. If you have these things you can win several games.
Because of this offense and my love to work with high school kids, I want to be a head football coach again. I love the challenge of trying to build the team and try to build that winning tradition. I have two years experience as a head football coach and 8 years experience as an assistant.
I gave up being a head coach after my son was born and also because of an administration who was unsupportive. If you have an AD who thinks they should still be the head football coach and won't let you have a budget, it is a little hard to run things the way you want things to run. But that is another long story that I don't really care to talk about.
I know that with the right assistant coaches, a supportive administration, and hard working kids, I can be a successful head coach again. I have been a part of winning programs and struggling programs. There is a key to success!!!!
Have you ever had one of those days when it seams like nothing can go right?
It started that way for me Sunday afternoon and carried into Monday (today).
I received an e-mail message from a college who was responding to an e-mail I sent out saying that if anyone needed help with using an excel template that I would be willing to help them.
His response was as follows: (I am leaving out names for privacy sake)
I figured that sense you like computers this is the way I would handle this. We appreciate what you do technology wise but it is time to quit focusing on cool things you can do on a computer and start to focus on collabing and NASA classes. I have a kid on my roster that when her folks see an F on her portal I have to answer them why. This is not a kid that is a behavior problem or any thing of the sort. Basically what you are doing is punishing them for the exact reason they are in your class. I thought we had this worked out. How can you fail NASA? That was her question to me. When Dale said he would like the NASA grade to reflect effort in NASA I don't think he meant that. I certainly am going to find out. I am going to call a meeting with all of our team and principal and get this worked out once and for all. I am not trying to be a hard-butt but this is not what NASA is all about. My hopes are is that you will read this before Monday and we can sit down and get it ironed out.
How should I take a letter like this?
First of all the girl failed an assignment not the entire class. The girl is presently getting a B+ in my class.
I didn't want to talk to the person who sent me this since I was just a little Pissed. He also sent this same message to the principal. So I talked to the principal and he was on my side of things and even laughed because the person who wrote the message is the one who asks for my help when it comes to computers the most.
From now on I am just going to worry about my self and not worry about trying to help out my fellow teachers as much. I am just going to do my job and move forward.
When reading this letter and to self reflect on this I could take it as maybe I was over stepping my bounds and was being viewed by some staff members as trying to run the department. That it is OK when they want to come to me for help but it is not OK for me to come forth with something that they could use to help out their teaching and collaborative teaching.
I admit, I like computers and I like trying to help people out. I was just trying to be a good member of our special education department.
By the way NASA is a skill building class for special ed kids. I grade the kids on how much effort they are putting forth and also grade them based on how well they do on their reading or writing probes. If they are not improving on their baseline then they will not receive a good grade.
So what view do you take. Am I a good guy, bad guy, or something in between?
Well today is my b-day and so far the day is going pretty good for me.
Even though I was facing my 37th year and the possibility of not having a cake for my birthday (that's a long story), I ended up getting a cake from my cryptic college at school today. I have no idea who this person is but I was very impressed because they bout me a $15 cake at Dahls.
I hope the rest of my day goes well for me. I just have a couple of periods left today after this lunch break. Than I have football practice (It's suppose to storm today) and then I go over to my in laws for homemade pizza.
My brother-in-law makes the best homemade pizza. He makes it from scratch sort of, he buys the pizza crust mix and goes from there. He could go into business making pizza. The only problem is he doesn't like people very much.
The nice thing is I got a card from my parents in the mail yesterday. They can't wait for us to go visit them again. Dad is looking forward to making homemade Jelly. and Mom just wants us to come visit. I do really miss Dubuque but I also really like the school I am teaching at now.
I just got done talking to my wife on the phone. She said that my son is upset because he wanted to make me a cake for my b-day.
Ok, Here is the story. While I was talking to my mother-in-law on the phone the other night I was to ask her to borrow a cake pan because my wife wanted to bake a cake for me. We still had cake left over from her b-day on the 14th at my house.
I told her my wife couldn't bake me a cake because we still had so much cake left over. She than changed the subject to what I wanted to have for dinner. She than asked me what kind of pie should buy. I told her I didn't care. she asked me if I wanted lemon merragne and I said sure.
The next day my wife and her talked and she told her that I didn't want a cake because we had so much left over and that a cake should not be made. I never said I didn't want a cake. I was looking forward to my son baking the cake.
Never the less I am now getting a pie instead of a cake for my birthday. I guess I was at fault but I think my mother-in-law is also. what do you think.
Oh well - Happy Birthday to me!!!!
Have you ever tried clicking on the view next blog button at the top of the page? I have tried doing this just to see what I get.
Some of the blogs are pretty nice. Some are very strange.
After you click on maybe 10 view next blogs it seams that you are directed to a site for porn. I ran into such things as midget porn, foot fetishes, and bestiality.
All I was looking for was some other interesting blogs to read. I really don't care to see blogs or sites dedicated to bondage and just porn sites in general.
I believe that it is a persons right if they want to blog about those kinds of things. I just don't think that after 10 or so clicks we should be automatically directed to a porn site.
I guess I won't be so adventurous when it comes to the view next blog link in the future.
I am a special education teacher in a school that believes to the inclusive classroom. That me that special education students have their classes in the regular education setting and the special ed teacher co-teaches the class with the teacher. Students are spread out in different subjects as if they are regular education students.
During the beginning of the year I sit down and look at the schedules of all of the sped students in the high school and see when they are in a social studies class. I than set my schedule based on the number of sped students in classes and how needy those students are. If I am not in a class with a student I make sure that they receive their accommodations and I am there for them if they need tests read or what ever.
This year I have scheduled myself to be in 4th hour Government on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, I am in American History on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have also scheduled myself to be in 8th period American history with the same teacher.
Now I am there to co-teach these classes. We have that understanding with the teachers in our school. We are know through out the state of Iowa as a leading school when it comes to special education. If there is a movie being shown or students are doing presentations I do not need to be there.
Any way yesterday and today in American history students are doing presentations on their choice of presidential candidates. I have been in the class the last couple of days working with the students helping them do research on these candidates. So yesterday and today I should not have had to be in the classroom. I can there for go to another class to observe or get paper work done.
during 4th period I decided to go to government class and during 8th period I decided that I needed to work on writing a recent IEP that I needed to get typed up.
The teacher decided to throw a fit that I wasn't in the classroom. She said that I needed to be there to make sure that the students have their notebooks out and are taking notes during the presentations. I told her that I am not there for discipline reasons and that she could have done the same thing.
I went to 8th period today and the students are doing the same thing, presentations. The teacher told the class that I was going to walk around the room making sure that they were taking notes. Keep in mind there are 5 sped students in this class out of 27 students. I walk around the classroom once and then left the room. I had better things to get done. So she threw another fit today. She said that I am scheduled to be in this class every day and that I should be there every day, even if we are watching a movie or what.
I talked to our principal to make sure that I was understanding the correct concept. He agreed with me and told me that he thinks he needs to reiterate with all regular ed teachers what exactly the roles of special ed teachers are in the classroom.
I have had difficulties with this teacher in the past. She is a very anal teacher. She has been here for two years now and is having trouble with our concept of special ed.
There are other teachers here where I get right in and teach almost every day. Other schools have come here to observe and they can't tell which teacher is the regular ed teacher or the sped teacher.
I guess I am just a little frustrated
Any way
I am feeling torn about something. How should I feel?
At one point in my life I use to be a head high school varsity football coach. I had some problems with the administration and am no longer a head football coach. I than moved to a differnt school and became an assistant varsity coach.
The head coach at my school has began to receive some pressure from several differnt sources. Sure he gets pressure from the fans and the parents because he hasn't been winning. However he has now gotten even more heat because he has shown to be very unorganized. He changes a lot of his offense every year. He is even inconsistant from game to game. If you know anything about football this isn't god. On top of this he has also been insonsistent on discipline matters and also very unorganized when it comes to (how to word this properly), I want to say manage the team but that isn't quite it. He is good at the X's and O's don't get me wrong, He is also good at scouting, I am just lacking on how to describe it right now. I know it sound stupid...
He doesn't have a players handbook. He doesn't give the players a O or D playbook. Most of the coaches don't have one. Most of the time the rest of the staff don't get a practice plan.
Again don't get me wrong I think he is a good guy and even a good coach. I guess I just have a different view of how things should be run.
Well any ways he was told that things had to change. He decided to make some changed by deciding to move two other coaches and myself down to redo the middle school program. I do agree that the middle school program was/is in a shambles. He decided to hire two good friends of his, drinking buddies, to become the new assistant varsity coaches. I was told to do middle school or quit.
I believe that the kids are great and that they can be a winning program. I just think things need to change and consistancy needs to become the norm. I decided that I am a loyal coach and to coach at the middle school. However I am pretty bitter over it all.
I know, people will say that I am not being a loyal coach because I am posting/blogging about it right now. I just have to get it off my chest though. If I offend this head coach and the football program at the school than I am sorry.
I would like to be a head coach again though and would love it to be at the school I teach at.
Any way back to the guilty part of this all. The varsity and the JV lost their 1st football games of the season. I was actually a little happy to see it happen. Maybe I shouldn't have because I should show school spirit and all.
I have been teaching adult English as a second language for the past year and a half now. I didn't mind teaching it at first. It was great to build relationships with my students and to help them pick up the English language.It was also nice to pick up some extra cash for only doing 4 hours a week
I am now getting burned out teaching the class. I do not get any planning time for the class. at least not any paid planning time for the class. I am given a book and told go get'em.
Even if I did have the planning time, I don't think it would make that much difference. I usually have about 20 - 25 people registered for the class. I usually only have 6 or 7 show up for class. They are usually different every week. Sure I may have 2 or 3 who are pretty consistent. Believe me those are the students that have the most success and help make the class worth while. So how do you plan when you don't know who is going to show up from week to week?
If I try to bring in things to supplement the class and try to make it more fun for me and fun for the students, I am discouraged by my supervisor. "You are doing to many PowerPoint's, you are playing too many games, They need to do more from the book"
Students, especially adults can only do so much from a real boring book. I know the book is to help them get the concepts and to help them speak the language and have conversations. I do use the book quite often but I just need more....
I guess I am burnt out! I notice that there is a pretty large turnover of teachers, however some have been teaching it for 15 years now.
I wouldn't mind giving it up how ever the money is nice and my family sure can use it. My wife also thinks I should stick it out. I am just frustrated!!!!
What do I do??? Do I quit, upset my wife and loose the income or do I stick it out, make money and feel like I am just spinning my wheels?