A site dedicated to the discussion of the Wing-T offensive system and the Definative Wing-T
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Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Definitive Wing-T

I have come up with a new name for my Wing-T system. I have named it the Definitive Wing-T. I named it this because I have tried to make it easier for coaches and players to understand. I use a three digit system. The first number is the series (backfield motion), the second is position getting the ball and the third, the hole that they are going to.

This definitive playbook contains all of the series that also includes the Jet and Fly motion that I have made their own series.

I also include a passing system that I have tried to make easier for the players. This includes a three step, five step, roll out and play action passing.

I have tried to incorporate the traditional Wing-T system with the hybrid system.

The playbook is available for purchase through scribd.com or may be bought here on the blog.


Coach Dillon