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Thursday, April 10, 2008

The 300 series - the sweep

The 300 series is a lot like the 200 series. The only real change up is instead of pulling both guards, you only pull the backside guard, the fullback will now be the lead kick out block.

I use the 300 series if we see a LB who likes to blitz or a strong penetrating nose or tackle. I would keep the play side guard in for extra protection and have the fullback as the kick out block.

Here is the 338 sweep

This same play can also be run in a power formation and run with the fullback. The QB can open away from the hole and toss or he can open to the hole and hand it off to the fullback.

Power Right 328 sweep
I also run a boot and a throw back in the 300 series. In the boot there is only 1 guard pulling. In the throw back whoever is the ball carrier is they would throw the ball back to the QB. He can than either run with the ball or throw it again. Here are both of those plays.

Pro Right 338 Boot
Right 338 Throw Back

If you can't remember what to do just hit someone - Coach D