A site dedicated to the discussion of the Wing-T offensive system and the Definative Wing-T
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Is anyone Reading This Blog?

I have been looking back on my blog over my spring break trying to figure out what I should write about next. I have been a little preoccupied the last few days. We had an ultrasound done and found out that we will be having a baby girl in august.

While looking at my blog, I have begun to ponder and ask myself three questions. The first was I wonder if anyone is reading my blog? I look at my counter at the bottom of the page and it tells me that I have been having quite a few hits. That than lead me into my second question. Is the content of my blog worthwhile? Is what I am writing helping people out or are the visitors coming to my blog by mistake or is the information just boring and people are moving on?

I guess I would like to know if anyone is reading this blog and finds it worth while. Please someone respond to one of my posts and give me some kind of feedback. positive or negative, i don't really care. i just want to know if I am reaching people and if people are interested in my blog. I know that for people who are pretty proficcient in the wing-t that what i am blogging about is fairly basic information. But am I helping anyone out so far? Or even helping people ponder things?

That finally lead me to my last question. Why am i writing this blog. I am writing this as a way for me to try to assess my coaching and hone my skills. I know that may sound kind of ridiculous, but it helps me think things through for when I become a head coach again.

I know that this post may sound petty and self centered but I just want to know some other people's opinions. What do other people think about my blog? Do they like the setup? Do they like the topic? What do people think?


Anonymous said...

I am coaching my sons team this year and I am looking at many differnt types of offensive systems. The players are young 5-7 years old. I am thinking of running a wing T and your site was very helpful in grasping the basics of this offense. I will be checking back for updates. Thank You.