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Friday, March 28, 2008

two - Minute Offense

At one time or another every coach is going to need a two minute offense. We wish we may never have to use it because we would be way a head in a game, but most likely we will be in a situation were we have to use a two minute.

In a two minute we are forced to try and move the ball down the field as quick as we can. This means that we will have to pass quickly without the clock stopping. That means that the only time we can take use a huddle would be on the stop of the clock for and incomplete pass or getting out of bounds. (preferably the latter)

We have to be able to call our plays from the sideline and have the QB relay the play in on the go. For that reason I use one formation with two different types of motion. I call them Cub and Bear. I only use this because I am a Chicago Cub and Bear fan. When I was a head coach I would tweak the names to go along with the name of the school mascot or school colors or something like that.

Here are Cub and Bear in both Left and Right.

After we have worked on the formations and the motions I than will add in play sets. All I do is call the 1,2, or 3. The kids must learn what the patterns are for each. I would than call in the plays from the side line as Bear right/left and the number.

Hear are Bear 1,2,and 3

As you can see there are little subtleties with each play.

Cub plays also have little subtitles also

Part of our practices would focus on just practicing the two minute offense. First I would work with just the receivers and QBs making sure they know their routes. I would even have them take a written test making sure that they know the routes of both Cub and Bear. I would make sure they know all of the position routes because you never know what position they may have to be thrown into.

I would than make sure we practiced moving up and down the field with the entire unit, including linemen. This would show how this come together. First do this against dirt and then add a defense. Make sure you use a play clock and some sort of down markers. This will help simulate the necessity of game situations.

How do you run your Two minute Offense?

- Coach D


Anonymous said...


thanks for your great 2-Minute Offense Article...

I wrote also an article about the 2-Minute Offense but in a more abstract kind. It's more about a general 2-Minute Offense system...

And I also added a Drill description on how to practice the 2-Minute Offense (and Defense) in a most efficient way...

Could you please enlighten me what big advantage you see in having a motion in every 2-minute play, so you think it's worth sacrifying precious seconds with the motion?

Thanks again

Coach Roth