A site dedicated to the discussion of the Wing-T offensive system and the Definative Wing-T
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hard times hit home

The hard times have hit home. I am now without a teaching job and a coaching job. I have been searching for the last several months with no avail.
I have been applying for jobs in and out of teaching. I have been offered three different head coaching positions but without a teaching position attached. Making $4000 for a season just don't pay the bills. I have taken a part-time position as a computer repair technician at Staples. I have also applied for unemployment.
I am a certified social studies teacher and a special education teacher. The only teaching positions that are available in my area are in elementary special education, elementary education or in teaching English. The positions that I am qualified for are several hours away and I can't afford to commute or to move.
The football season has officially started in Iowa and I am going through withdrawal from not coaching high school football. I have been coaching for the past fifteen years and have spent most of that time as either a head coach or as a coordinator on the varsity level.
I am not asking for a handout or any assistance. Something will come of the applications that I have sent out for either teaching, IT, or working for the government. I know that times are tough for a lot of people right now. It looks like I may not have a choice but to get out of education. I really wanted out of being a special education teacher any way.
I am going to try and post on this site from time to time. I am just a little depressed right now. All will work itself out. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,right? God has a plan for me!!
I would like to hear from others if they have had success running this type of offense or any success stories. I would be glad to share them. If anyone would like to share video I would also be willing to look at it and post it to this site.