A site dedicated to the discussion of the Wing-T offensive system and the Definative Wing-T
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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ramblings of Coach D

Every once in a while I feel like I need to ramble on about something. That is why I created my blog in the first place. What a better way for me to discuss football. It helps me from going crazy.

I don't want to turn my blog into a an advertisement for my playbook so I will only mention this once.

Everything you see on my blog is also in my playbook. There is also quite a bit more information in it. I cover philosophy, formations, each series (100's through 600's), The Jet and Rocket, Passing (3 step, 5step, and Play action)

I am willing to share my playbook and my knowledge with others. I have put quite a bit of time into making my playbook so I feel that I have to ask for some kind of monetary compensation.

What I have put together has come from my last 12 years of coaching the wing-T. It has evolved over the past several years and will probably continue to evolve. One way that I have found and really like to improve it is by talking to other coaches about it. That is why I have started up the Wing-T football forum. So please leave your comments there.(or leave them here on my blog)

I love to talk football and I can do that through my blog but now I am hoping that people will respond back in the forum. That is also why I have placed the poll wondering what people think about my blog.

I want to share my knowledge with others. I feel it a great honor when someone asks me for my advice or for when they want to have a copy of my playbook.

Just to show you a how my playbook is set up I have posted here what a typical page looks like.

I hope you have enjoyed what you have seen so far and I am thrilled that people are even listening to what I have to say.

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