Buck Series - Counter X-Cross
The counter X-cross is a great play. It is a double hand off so therefore it is a little risky, but when executed it can net you a lot of yardage.
First you need to make sure that you are setting up the other team by running the buck sweep and the boot (waggle) a number of times. This will get the defense following the flow of the running back or even keying on the QB.
The play is designed to look just like you are running the buck sweep, however the running back is handing the ball on an inside hand off to the wing back.
Right 238 counter x-cross vs Odd Man front
On an odd man defense we need to make sure we double the nose man, The backside guard and the TE will both pull on this play. The guard will kick out the first man outside the hole, while TE will lead through the hole looking for a LB.
It is important for the running back and the QB to carry out their motions. The Split End (X) will look for a down field block on the play side safety.
238 counter x-cross vs even front
Here is a video of the counter x-cross