400 Series - The Option (post 2)
In my previous post I introduced my 400 series, or other wise called the option. This series gives the look like we are or could run the option. This means that we will often have a trailing ball carrier behind the QB.
In the 400 series I am often telling the QB what I would like him to run. If I wanted him to give the ball to the F. I would say 42? give. If I wanted him to make the pitch I would call 43? pitch. I would even tell him if I wanted him to keep the ball 41? Keep. In each play it is vital to make it look like we are running the same play.Each Play is shown below

Right 418 Keep

Right 438 Pitch
If I truly wanted him to have him read the play I would call it as a 418/419 option. This tells the QB to make two reads in the same play. The QB would have to first read if the hand off to the F is available or not (would he be tackled right away), He would then come down the line and read the corner. If the corner comes up to make the tackle he would than pitch it to the R. Notice that the play side guard is also pulling and looking to pick up the end. If we have a strong penetrating LB or D-line we would keep him in to block. We would then read the end man on the LOS. The Corner would then become a down field read pitch/option if the QB kept the ball.

Right 418 Option
In my next post I shall talk about passing in the option - Coach D
You have to play this game like somebody just hit your mother with a two-by-four. - DAN BIRDWELL
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