A site dedicated to the discussion of the Wing-T offensive system and the Definative Wing-T
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Arrival

I have been blessed with the arrival of a new baby girl. She was born yesterday at 3:59pm. This is my second child.

I will be adding more about the 600 series when I get her home and settled in and I have been back to school to deal with the havoc of having a sub take over for me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

600 series - The Jet and Rocket

Over the last couple of years I have been reading about and watching a lot of video on the Jet and rocket sweeps. I think this is a very good addition to running the wing-t.

The only problem that I have with the jet is that it is a lot more effective running the play out of the red or blue formations. It is hard to run the jet effectively our of right or left or even pro right or pro left. If there is someone who can enlighten me about this I would be glad to discuss it with them.

As an introduction to the jet and rocket I will show a couple of basic jet and rocket sweep video clips. Like I said before they both are highly effective additions to the wing-t. (If you would like to find more information other than I have here check out www.jetsweep.com )

When I discuss the rocket and jet in the future I will try to simplify things for the reader because the things that I have read and discussed with others seams very wordy and a little confusing.

I again have tried to put the rocket and jet into my own terms and language to help my coaches and players understand the plays easier. Ignore the wording at the begining of some of the clips.

I hope you enjoy the clips of the jet sweep and the rocket sweep. I downloaded them from others. They are not from my teams. I will add my own highlights later.

---Coach D

Jet sweep

Rocket sweep

Rocket out of wing-t (to the R back)